Step One College Blog

Thursday, May 31, 2012

VIvid Sydney

Since last week, Vivid Sydney has started

Please do not miss this chance!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today we went to Wild Life Park together.


Ula is holding a snake!!! Looks scarely!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

small seminer

On Tuesday, one of former J-Shine students visited us.
She is working at elemantaly school in Japan now.
She had a sminer with current J-Shine students to explain
the updated situation at Japnaese school.
Everybody had a really good time!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

BBQ at Coogee Beach

We had a BBQ party at Coogee beach.

Look at the sausages!! It looks so yummy!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Last weekend, I went to NSW art gallery to see Picasso exhibition.
It is very rare to have such a good exhibition in Sydney.

Please do not miss out this chance!!
The exhibition will finish on 25th of March.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

JSHINE gradutation on 16th of March 2012

We had TECSOL course graduation celemony on last Friday.

10 students graduated. Congratulations!!

They are aiming to be Englih teachers at primary school.

We hope to hear good news soon!!

Japanese marketer

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


In our school, the receptionist puts our school character, puffin, everyday.

You can find puffin with umbrella on the rainy day (under the clock)

When there is a graduation celemony, the recetionist puts puffin with graduation gown.

It is very fun to see so please check at our reception everyday!

From Japanese Marketer